Ayurvedic Tips for Dry Skin: These 5 tips of Ayurveda will keep skin soft and soft in winter

Ayurvedic Tips For Dry Skin, Through Ayurveda you can overcome this problem. To make Chawcha soft and young, all you need to follow are these five easy tips.

Ayurvedic Tips For Dry Skin
Ayurvedic Tips For Dry Skin: Through Ayurveda you can overcome this problem. To make Chawcha soft and young, all you need to follow are these five easy tips.

Ayurvedic Tips for Dry Skin

Winters have arrived and your skin comes first in the grip of this dry season. However, you can prepare in advance to keep your skin soft and healthy this entire season. In cold weather, problems like itching, dryness, tearing of the skin, tearing of the ankles and dry hont are the problems.

Such problems not only spoil a person’s skin but also reduce their self-confidence. Although there are many types of creams available in the market to solve this problem, but still you are not successful in choosing the right cream for you. In the end you are just unhappy.

You must be troubled by these things, but it is not that there is no cure for it. Through Ayurveda you can overcome this problem. All you need to follow are these five simple tips that will make your skin soft, soft and healthy.

1. Drink plenty of water

Often on cold days it has been observed that thirst seems to be less, hence people drink less water. However, do not make it a habit. You may not feel thirsty but drink at least two liters of water a day. Water keeps your skin and body hydrated. Apart from water, you can also drink fruit juice.

Drink more water

2. Use of oil in Ayurveda

Use with essential oil. Massage oil is used a lot in Ayurveda. Even skin experts believe that everyone should massage themselves with oil to avoid dryness of the skin. This is called abhyang and should be done shortly before bathing.

Use of oil in Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Oil

3. Eat healthy food

Oil should also be a part of your diet along with massage with oil as your body also needs oils and fats to moisturize the skin. For this, fresh coconut, almonds, olive oil, ghee, mosquito have good and healthy fat in their food. Keep in mind that the amount of oil and fat in your diet is good so that your skin remains soft and young.

Healthy Food
Healthy Food

4. Workout

Anyway, whatever the weather, you must do a workout, but in winter, especially exercise. Sweat and sweat if you get time. Not only does your brain get relaxed through workouts, but the skin is also fresh and healthy.

Must do a workout
Must do Workout

5. Make body lotion at home

You can also make body lotion to deal with dry skin at home. For this, you have to mix glycerin, rose water and a lemon in a small bottle. You can apply it on the face, hands and feet every day. Apply it for one hour and wash it with water. However, it is very important to take care of one thing that do not apply it outside in the sun. It can make your skin dark by going in the sun.

Make body lotion at home
Make body Lotion

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