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When to reduce salt intake during pregnancy? It is safe to eat salt during pregnancy

Salt, which tastes in every dish, and the absence of which makes every food tasteless, salt plays an important role in our diet. Salt is very important for life and it is the pride of every kitchen in India.

Salt During Pregnancy
It is safe to eat salt during pregnancy or not?

Salt During Pregnancy

Today we will tell through this article why salt is important in pregnancy? During which time should not eat salt? What are the benefits of eating salt in pregnancy?

  1. Why salt intake is important in pregnancy
  2. Disadvantages of high salt intake during pregnancy
  3. How much salt should be taken daily
  4. When should not eat salt in pregnancy
  5. Black salt in pregnancy

1. Why salt intake is important in pregnancy

Without salt, it is very difficult for our body to function properly without salt. It is a good source of sodium, which is necessary to maintain our body’s fluid level and pH balance. During pregnancy, salt maintains the level of fluid in the body which helps in the development of your baby.

Salt is important during pregnancy for the following reasons:

  • Due to lack of salt in the body, the nerves, muscles and other organs will not be able to function properly during pregnancy.
  • During pregnancy, the amount of fluid in the body of the pregnant increases which helps in the development of the fetus and sodium plays an important role in this process.
  • Salt contains iodine which is necessary for the development of fetal brain and nervous system.
  • Iodine deficiency during pregnancy may lead to abnormal brain development, miscarriage and other medical problems.
  • There is also a possibility of fetal death due to not consuming enough salt in pregnancy.

2. Disadvantages of high salt intake during pregnancy

Nothing is very good and the same thing applies in the excessive intake of salt. Excess salt intake during pregnancy can have the following side effects:

  • Excessive salt intake can cause a pregnant to feel swollen.
  • Excess salt intake can also cause fluid retention (accumulation of water in the body).
  • If excessive salt is taken in the diet, excessive swelling of the ankles, feet or face may occur.
  • High BP or preeclampsia is likely due to increased salt intake.
  • Taking salt in excess can release calcium from the body through urine.

3. How much salt should be taken daily

As mentioned above, salt is an important part of the diet in pregnancy, but when it is taken in sufficient quantity, it means that it is neither appropriate nor excessive to consume salt. During pregnancy, sodium intake should be around 3.8 grams per day and at most it can be consumed up to 5.8 grams.

4. When should not eat salt in pregnancy

Salt contains sodium and too much sodium content can cause excess fluid retention in the body, especially in the third trimester. The need for sodium in pregnancy cannot be completely ruled out. Therefore, the intake of salt should not be completely stopped, but a small reduction in its intake can be done.

5. Black salt in pregnancy

Black salt should be consumed during pregnancy as it is effective in relieving stomach diseases. Eating black salt during pregnancy does not cause problems like heartburn and constipation. If the pregnant has high blood pressure or any other problem, black salt should not be taken during pregnancy without the advice of the doctor.

If there is no salt in the food, there is no taste in the food. Salt is as important as it is important. Salt intake in pregnancy is very important for both pregnant and developing fetus. But due to excessive intake of salt, many serious problems can also arise, hence it is necessary to consult a doctor.

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