Can I eat mango during pregnancy? It is safe to eat mango during pregnancy

A balanced diet is very important in pregnancy as it directly affects the health and development of the baby. There are many things that food is beneficial in pregnancy, one of them is also common.

Eating mango during pregnancy
It is safe to eat mango during pregnancy or not?

Today we will know whether to eat mangoes during pregnancy or not?

Mangoes during pregnancy

Common food is very beneficial during pregnancy. Mango can also be taken as juice or shake. It has two benefits – first, there is no lack of fluids in the body and secondly all the nutrients present in the fruit are available to the body.

  1. Benefits of eating mango in pregnancy
  2. Disadvantages of common food in pregnancy
  3. How and how to eat mangoes during pregnancy
  4. Common eating precautions during pregnancy

1. Benefits of eating mango in pregnancy

Common food during pregnancy is beneficial for health for the following reasons:

  • Mango is also found in fiber, which helps prevent constipation.
  • Calories are also found in the right amount in this fruit and in the last three months a woman needs more calories and doctors also recommend consuming more calories.
  • The problem of worsening mouth taste is seen more in pregnancy, due to which food also does not taste good. In such a situation mango is very useful. Eating mango keeps the taste of mouth good and refreshes the mind.
  • Iron, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B6, potassium and folic acid are rich in mangoes of fruits. (Read more – Importance of Folic Acid in Pregnancy)
  • Mango is considered a good source of energy and antioxidants.
  • Prevents anemia. (Read more – Anemia symptoms in pregnancy)
  • The fiber present in mango helps in digestion. (Read more – Ayurvedic remedy to improve digestion)
  • Vitamin A is very important for the development of your baby.
  • It also prevents morning sickness.
  • Folic acid helps in fetal development.

2. Disadvantages of common food in pregnancy

  • Common eating can cause problems like diarrhea, headache, lethargy.
  • In some cases, eating more common, there are complaints of tingling in hands and feet as well as confusion.
  • During pregnancy, dizzy head and frequent mood changes are also the side effects of common eating.

3. How and how to eat mangoes during pregnancy

There are advantages of eating ripe mangoes during pregnancy, but it should be eaten in right quantity. The quantity of mango in your diet should be increased only after consulting your doctor. Eating 1-2 mangoes in a day also leads to adequate intake of calories in the body. The last three months of pregnancy are the most important, so caution should be exercised in eating mangoes.

4. Common eating precautions during pregnancy

Sometimes it may happen that you are not aware that your fruit is cooked naturally or artificially, so it is better to be careful. You must take these steps to reduce exposure to toxins:

  • Wash the fruit and eat it only.
  • Peel the mango before eating.
  • Another work can be done by buying raw mangoes and cooking them at home. This will let us know that they are free from calcium carbide and its side effects.
  • It is high in sugar, so pregnant women with diabetes should not eat mangoes.
  • While buying mangoes you have to take care that you do not buy mangoes cooked with chemicals, nowadays mangoes cooked in this way are often seen in the market.

Do not eat such mangoes:

There are some indications that you may know whether mangoes are cooked naturally or use chemicals in them, such as:

  • Ensure that there is no gray or white coating on the fruit.
  • Such fruit will look ripe from outside but it is raw and tough from inside.
  • Artificial ripe mangoes deteriorate very quickly, becoming dark spots or ripening much more quickly than naturally ripe mangoes.

In many cases, there have been complaints of diabetes in women during pregnancy, so they should not consume mangoes at all.

It is beneficial for normal women (who do not have diabetes) to consume mangoes in limited quantities. If you cannot eat mango then you can take it in any other form like shake and juice etc. Mango contains nutrients like fiber, calories, vitamins etc. Eating it in the right amount will prove more beneficial during pregnancy.

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