Can I eat egg during pregnancy or not? It is safe to eat egg during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time when everything related to a pregnant woman has a direct impact on her baby, regardless of her diet or lifestyle. Healthy diet is necessary for the development of the fetus.

 Eating egg during pregnancy
 It is safe to eat egg during pregnancy or not?

Today we will know whether to include egg in pregnant woman’s food? Can a pregnant woman eat an egg or not?

Egg during pregnancy

Studies have shown that eating eggs is very beneficial during pregnancy. Eggs contain all the essential nutrients including proteins, fats and minerals, so eggs should be included in a healthy diet.

  1. Benefits of eating eggs during pregnancy
  2. Loss of eating eggs during pregnancy
  3. How to eat eggs and how much during pregnancy
  4. Precautions to eat egg during pregnancy

1. Benefits of eating eggs during pregnancy

Eating eggs during pregnancy has the following benefits:

  • Eggs also contain vitamins, minerals and choline (an essential nutrient that dissolves in water) which helps in the development of the baby’s brain.
  • Protein is required in the formation of embryonic cells, therefore the intake of protein is very important for the development of the infant, adequate egg intake is beneficial for the growing fetus.
  • Eggs have sufficient calories, during pregnancy, a woman needs about 200 to 300 more calories than normal in a day, eggs of normal size have 70 calories.
  • Consuming regular eggs keeps the level of cholesterol in the body balanced. However, do not eat egg yolk if you have cholesterol problems.

2. Loss of eating eggs during pregnancy

Eating eggs during pregnancy can cause the following disadvantages:

  • Raw or undercooked eggs contain Salmonella bacteria that may cause food poisoning.
  • Eating eggs can also lead to problems like vomiting, diarrhea, water dehydration and stomach ache.
  • Sometimes the intake of eggs can also lead to miscarriage or premature delivery.
  • In some cases, problems such as allergies, skin rashes and blocked nose have also been seen.

3. How to eat eggs and how much during pregnancy

Boil an egg for at least five to seven minutes so that it cooks properly. Eating egg daily depends on the level of cholesterol in the pregnant woman’s body. If the cholesterol level is normal then three to four eggs can be eaten in a week.

Instead of eating eggs plain, you can make them delicious by using spices and vegetables. If anyone likes fried eggs, fry them until the white part becomes solid.

4. Precautions to eat egg during pregnancy

Take the following precautions when eating eggs during pregnancy:

  • Do not buy cracked eggs because they may contain dust and bacteria.
  • Pregnant women who have cholesterol problems should not eat egg yolk.
  • Nowadays fake eggs are also available in the market, so buy organic eggs only.
  • Do not keep boiled eggs for more than 2 to 3 days.
  • Before incorporating any food item into the daily diet, be sure to see its advantages and disadvantages.

Egg is a readily available source of protein. Keeping the above points in mind, include eggs in your diet.

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