What to eat if you are pregnant in summer? Foods to eat during pregnancy in summers

Pregnancy is a time when a pregnant woman has to concentrate most on her diet. The diet taken by the pregnant woman affects the health of the child.

Foods to eat During Pregnancy in Summers

If you have conceived during the summer season then you need to be more vigilant about your diet. During the summer season, the difficulties of pregnant women often increase but if they take good care of their diet then both mother and child can remain healthy.

Foods to eat During Pregnancy in Summer

Today, through this article, we will know what to eat when you are pregnant during the summer season.

  1. What to eat in summer during pregnancy
  2. Tips for healthy and cool pregnancy

1. What to eat in summer during pregnancy

During pregnancy, eating the following things in summer can keep you cool and fresh throughout the day:


Watermelon is a great snack for the summer season, it contains enough water. There is no shortage of water in the body due to consumption of watermelon in summer. Watermelon juice cools the body in summer and keeps it fresh throughout the day.

Boiled Eggs

Eating boiled eggs is an easy way to consume protein. Boiled eggs have many properties. Eggs can also be used as salads or salad sandwiches. Both of them are cold. Eggs contain other micronutrients that are necessary during pregnancy.


Cucumber is a good source of water and it cools the entire body with eyes. In the late stage of pregnancy, the risk of allergy and insomnia increases, in which case cucumber proves to be more beneficial for you.


Peppermint is naturally cold. The use of mint in pregnancy helps to stay cool for a long time. Mint can be eaten in the form of chutney, emerald etc. or like coriander, it can be eaten by garnishing it. Peppermint may prove more beneficial during pregnancy.


Tomato is a readily available fruit. Tomato is as popular as it is delicious and also beneficial. Tomatoes can be eaten as soup, salad.


Spinach is called the power house of nutrients. It contains high levels of folate (folic acid) which help reduce the possibility of birth defects. Spinach contains every vitamin and mineral that a pregnant woman needs during pregnancy.

Sweet Potato

Vitamin A found in sweet potato is beneficial for the immune system of both mother and child.

Orange Juice

Orange juice is rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C deficiency can be accomplished in the body by consuming orange juice.


Blueberries can be called superfoods. Blueberries provide a lot of nutritional value for pregnant women. It contains vitamin C, antioxidants, potassium, folate and fiber.


During pregnancy, the body needs more and more water. During this time more water should be consumed to beat the heat.

2. Tips for healthy and cool pregnancy

In pregnancy, heat can be beaten by adopting these tips:

  • Work outside in the morning and evening when the sun’s heat is low.
  • Wear light colored clothes.
  • There is no lack of water in the body, so take more fluids.
  • Apply sunscreen before going out in the sun.

All the foods mentioned in this article are not only healthy for you and your child but also are full of essential nutrients. Taking all the above mentioned things into account, if the above fruits are consumed, then pregnancy can be enjoyed even in summer. Apart from this, you can add other fruits to the above list with the advice of your doctor.

What to eat and what not to eat during pregnancy?

The time of pregnancy is very important. What women eat during pregnancy has a direct effect on the child. During this, it is very important to have a good and nutritious diet to keep the body healthy and healthy. During pregnancy, the body of women needs more nutrients. Therefore, at this time, women should take such a diet that can nourish not only them but also the baby. At this time, coffee, tea, cold drinks and external food should be avoided, if the mother’s body gets more caffeine then it will affect the child’s development.

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