These are 6 things that should not be done in periods

There are thousands of questions in the minds of girls about periods. For example, what should be avoided in periods, why are my periods so heavy, how old are the periods (Menstrual Cycle Basics), what should be done when the medicine is not coming or if the periods are not coming, Why Periods Pain occurs in Periods, etc.

Six Things Girls Want to Know About Periods

There is an age in which most girls wonder what the periods are. And then also comes the turning point of life in which she faces this truth and is faced with the changes in her body. When periods begin (What is Menstruation) then there are thousands of questions in the mind of any girl.

For example, what should be avoided in periods, why are my periods so heavy, how old are the periods (Menstrual Cycle Basics), what should be done when the medicine is not coming or if the periods are not coming, Why is period pain in periods, etc.

Often girls ask these questions to their mother. In this way, it is the responsibility of the mother to give her the right information. Many times when the mother hesitates to answer these questions, the youth seek answers from the wrong place and get confused information.

There is a similar question which adolescents even women raise in their minds. So let us tell you what are the 5 things that should not be done.

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Know such things that all women should keep in mind during periods
Things that all women should keep in mind during periods

Come, know such things that all women should keep in mind during periods

1. You may be on a diet or fasting to lose weight. But if you do not take the diet properly during your periods, then it may overwhelm you. So keep in mind that you should eat nutritious food during periods.

2. Do not be lazy in changing the pad (Sanitary Napkin). It is often the case that women use the same pad for a long time with less bleeding. But it can cause infection. So change your pad at a certain time interval. This will protect you from infection.

3. You may feel very irritable during this period. In such a situation, you can also feel craving of sugar or junk food. But explain yourself and stay away from eating unhealthy.

4. If you follow heavy exercise routine, avoid heavy manual labor during this time. Because it can cause your back pain or stiffness.

5. If you are not on family planning or do not want to have children right now, do not have a relationship with your partner thinking that you cannot get pregnant during periods. So having unprotected sex during periods can put you in trouble.

6. Do not clean your genitals with a hard soap during periods. Do not use wet tissue paper containing alcohol. Doing this can increase dryness which can make you uncomfortable due to itching or other infection.

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