Benefits of Massage in Summer: Summer massage

Summer massage, Benefits of Massage in Summer: Massage and that too in the sticky summer. Now before you start being shocked or shrinking your nose, we tell you how many benefits there are.

Benefits of Massage in Summer

The winter evenings have taken off and the summer season is moving ahead with arms outstretched. Now, who is relieved from the burden of hot clothes, he is wishing that he can fly like a butterfly in favorite light clothes. But what is this! The body is a little tired, tired! Sluggishness without doing anything kills all enthusiasm. But if a massage is taken in such a situation, freshness comes to the mind and body. Now, if you want freshness in your body and mind, then the best solution is massage.

Massage is beneficial in every season

Regarding massage, most people believe that massage is more beneficial only in winter and in summer it is difficult to imagine it. Scorching summer and oil viscosity on it! The truth is that this is just the upper and wrong picture. Massage therapy is a means of improving beauty and health, which benefits every season, because massage is based on touch therapy, ie touch therapy. Each season has its own different mood.

If our body is fully fit, it naturally adapts to this change, but today’s stress and tired lifestyle, workload, irregular and unbalanced food together have weakened our natural strength. Therefore, today people are seen struggling with such problems at the beginning and end of the season.

Now, if we talk about summer, then most people have become so weak inside the immune system that they cannot bear even the slightest heat. In this season, they suffer from various kinds of problems, such as feeling restless, sleepy, feeling hungry, persistent fatigue, headache, etc. Now when the body is struggling with such problems from inside, will the face look bright?

Massage Is very important in Summer Season

The need for massage becomes even more in summer, because if the disorders present in the body during the season change, it can increase many problems during summer. Apart from this, the energy power of our body becomes very weak during the summer due to sweat and heat of the external environment. It also provides relief from massage and increases energy power.

Massage not only relaxes the body deeply, but also awakens the senses. Due to fast blood circulation, the viruses present in the body come out in the form of sweat and urine. In addition, excess body temperature is also reduced, which does not make bile. This is the cause of many troubles of most people in summer, so it gives double benefit. By speeding up blood circulation from the inside, all the toxic substances are removed from the body and the dead skin of the body is also cleaned from outside, which increases the brightness and naturalness of the body.

The right way to massage is important

The benefits associated with massage therapy are many, but it is worthwhile only when done properly. Some precautions are necessary for this:

  1. To massage in summer, first of all pay attention to the temperature of the place. Do not make the massage air conditioner in the room at all. Room temperature should be normal, the water neither cold enough nor hot.
  2. The light in the room should be very light, so that you can feel completely relaxed. Very soft music can make this atmosphere effective.
  3. The fragrant lamp (especially used in aroma therapy) burns in a pot of water at the head of the water, proves to be very effective in mental peace.

It is very important that whichever person is being massaged is well aware of his physical condition, that is, none of his vata, pitta, phlegm are imbalanced. There is no heart or blood pressure problem or spinal cord disease. Massage is not given even during pregnancy.

  • Massage should always be done by gently pressing on hands and at the right pressure points, and should be like touching. Therefore, it is beneficial to massage with a specialist.
  • The oil or cream used for massage should always be used according to the tendency and season of the person’s body.

After the massage, steam bath and shower (as per the instructions of the expert) can be taken.

  • After the massage, take some rest and do not leave immediately in strong sunlight or strong wind. If you have to do this, then definitely apply sunscreen lotion on the body first.
  • Do not use tobacco and alcohol (if taken) for the next 24 hours.
  • Drink water as much as possible, so that the toxins coming out of the massage can be rapidly removed from the body.

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