Beauty Tips By Using Fruit Peels – How to enhance beauty with fruit peels and tomatoes?

Beauty Tips By Using Fruit Peels, Homemade Beauty Tips by Fruit Peels and Tomatoes: You will be surprised to know how beneficial fruit peels and tomatoes are for beauty. Here in this article, we will tell you about them today. Details of some of these simple and successful experiments are presented here.

Beauty Tips By Using Fruit Peels

How to enhance beauty with fruit peels and tomatoes?

We discard the peels of fruits and vegetables as useless, while these peels can also remove many health and beauty related problems. Ayurveda has an age-old tradition of using peels for beauty.

Finish the freckles with orange and lemon peel

Dry the orange and lemon peels and grind them finely. Mix raw milk of cow and some rose water in this powder and apply it like a paste on the face. When dry, wash your face with fresh water. The wrinkles on the face are erased by this use.

Lemon Beauty Tips
Lemon Beauty Tips

Pimple and orange peel eliminate acne

Grind pomegranate and orange peel with turmeric. Mixing a little lemon juice in it and applying it on the face regularly provides great benefits in acne.

Make black skin fair with lemon

Do not throw the lemon skin after extracting the juice. Rub them on the elbows, knees, finger tips and soles. Due to this, the dirt is easily cleaned at these places and the skin here also becomes soft.

Hide the burn marks from papaya

Often, women get burnt while cooking in the kitchen and the marks are there. Rubbing papaya peels on these marks will slowly erase them.

Get healthy hair with orange and lemon peel

Washing the hair by mixing the powder of orange and lemon peels in amla with water, removes dandruff and makes it long and thick. Its continuous use is beneficial.

Make nails flawless

Many women’s nails are dirty and shiny, which looks quite ugly. Rubbing lemon peels on them on the nails makes them stainless, clean and shiny. So whenever you use lemon, then use the skin in this work.

Increase tooth shine with lemon peel

Similarly, to brighten teeth, rub lemon peel on the teeth once or twice a week. Also, dry and grind its peel and mix it with some powdered salt, it can also be used as a powder. It also removes tooth worms. Keep in mind that lemon is also considered to be good for the health of teeth and gums, especially due to vitamin ‘C’.

Tomato Beauty Tips
Tomato Beauty Tips

How to improve beauty with tomatoes

Due to the presence of many skin-related vitamins, citric acid, minerals, alkalis, etc., tomato is a type of beauty, which can be improved in beauty by using the methods given below.

  • Constipation is eliminated by drinking black pepper in tomato soup, which keeps the face glowing and bodyiness.
  • Tomatoes purify contaminated blood and provide a pink aura to the facial skin.
  • Drinking tomato juice brightens hair. By cutting thick stems of big tomatoes and keeping them under the cheeks and eyes, the freckles and dark circles of the eyes disappear forever.

Caution: Tomatoes, despite being beneficial, cause harm to the body due to excessive intake. Is tomato the worst of everything? For example, stone patients should not consume tomatoes. If you want to reap the benefits of tomatoes, then you have to regularize it in the right amount.

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