Whether or not to eat rice during pregnancy? It is safe to eat rice during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period in life when a mother needs to be extremely careful before doing anything. Everything done by the mother directly and indirectly affects the fetus. More care needs to be taken while taking diet. The diet that the mother takes is the only food source for the unborn baby. Therefore it is important to know the benefits and side effects of every food item consumed during pregnancy.

Rice During Pregnancy
It is safe to eat rice during pregnancy or not?

Rice is a superfood when consumed in appropriate amounts. You should consult your doctor to know how much rice should be in your diet. Apart from this, only buy rice that is free of chemicals and pesticides.

Rice During Pregnancy

Eating rice during pregnancy in India causes stomach aches, so you should avoid eating rice. Rice is one of the most liked grains in the world. Rice is the staple food for a large part of the population. Is it safe for you and your baby to eat rice during pregnancy? Can you eat rice during pregnancy? Let’s take a look at the benefits and side effects of eating rice during pregnancy.

  1. Benefits of eating rice during pregnancy
  2. Disadvantages of eating rice during pregnancy
  3. How and how to eat rice during pregnancy
  4. Precautions to eat rice during pregnancy

1. Benefits of eating rice during pregnancy

Rice is an essential part of the daily diet for many people. Being rich in many essential vitamins and nutrients, rice is also a staple food for a large population of the country.

Following are the advantages of eating rice during pregnancy:

  • Fiber and water are found in abundance in rice. During pregnancy, the body needs more fiber and water as they prevent constipation and digestive problems. Rice is a great option and definitely helps in reducing the discomfort caused by digestive problems.
  • Such nutrients are found in rice which are very important during pregnancy, due to which the baby grows in the womb without any trouble. Rice has sufficient amounts of vitamin D, thiamine, calcium, iron, riboflavin and fiber.
  • Vitamin D found in rice enhances the immune system of a pregnant woman and strengthens baby bones.
  • Weak bones are common in pregnant women, which can cause pain and other health problems. Rice contains calcium which provides strength in pregnancy.
  • Rice does not contain cholesterol. Therefore, during pregnancy, rice balances the diet.
  • Rice contains antioxidants that help to boost the immune system and also prevent infection from occurring.
  • Consuming rice during pregnancy protects both the pregnant woman and the child from urogenital infections.
  • The amount of sodium in rice is low which controls the blood pressure level of the pregnant.
  • Rice contains starch which affects the intestine, thereby preventing constipation and bleeding etc.
  • Therefore, eating rice during pregnancy helps to strengthen bones and teeth.
  • The body gets energy from the carbohydrates found in rice.

2. Disadvantages of eating rice during pregnancy

Eating rice during pregnancy can cause harm:

  • Eating more quantity of rice can lead to weight gain, due to which the pregnant woman can suffer from obesity, while eating rice, care must be taken that there is not enough quantity of rice in the food. It is not good to eat only rice in food.
  • Rice has a high amount of glycemic which can increase blood glucose levels and there is a possibility of gestational diabetes during pregnancy.
  • Rice has high arsenic content, so fetal death can occur due to excessive consumption of rice. Therefore, rice should be avoided by overeating.
  • Pregnant woman should not eat raw rice, although there may be a strong desire to eat raw rice occasionally during pregnancy, but avoiding raw rice is good because sometimes its side effects can be serious. Eating raw rice can cause severe abdominal pain and irreversible harm to the fetus.
  • Raw rice contains high amount of pesticides and chemicals which is harmful for both mother and child.

3. How and how to eat rice during pregnancy

Although there are no specific guidelines for eating rice during pregnancy, but still have any other food item or eat rice as much as is necessary for the body. If seen, rice is a soft food that tastes good but it can have some side effects too. You can eat rice by boiling it, frying it or whatever it tastes like eating rice.

4. Precautions to eat rice during pregnancy

Before consuming rice, the following things should be kept in mind:

  • While buying rice from the market, it should be ensured that no pesticides or any chemicals are used in the rice, this may cause food poisoning, allergies etc. It is not necessary that the pesticide was used only in the field while growing rice crop. Sometimes insecticide medicines are also used to store grains.
  • Eating raw rice during pregnancy should be avoided.
  • Rice should be cooked and eaten only.

Like other foods, rice should be consumed in limited quantities. Small amounts of rice can be eaten daily, but still it is an important point to consult a doctor to know the proper amount of rice to be taken from the perspective of safety.

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